The Tapestry of Death


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England 1067: Briston the weaver has been murdered – in a very special way – and it is up to his old friend Wat to avenge his death. Brother Hermitage will naturally support his companion in the quest, but the young monk worries as the number of suspects keeps rising. He’s never been good with crowds. When events take a turn for the truly bizarre, Hermitage and Wat find themselves up to their Saxon socks in people who want them dead, people who want one another dead and people who seem to want everyone dead.

With a monk, tradesmen, priests, Normans and Saxons, The Tapestry of Death should be a solid, traditional medieval who-done-it, but it isn’t. Really, it isn’t. Authentic and accurate representation of the time? Barely. Historically informative? Certainly not. Hilarious and very silly? Now you’re getting warm….

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Paperback ISBN 978-0-9929393-5-9

Also available as an e-book

Reviews for The Tapestry of Death

“Read this in public and everyone will wonder about your sanity as you helplessly giggle through every other paragraph.” – Amazon reviewer

“Another well written and extremely funny adventure. As a professional historian I appreciate the manner in which historical events are reinterpreted and distorted. A splendid series.”  Dr Ward


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